Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Latest Happenings

Well, as you all know, I started my first week at STF | PR last week!  However, you may not know that I am loving it! I have already learned so much and been able to practice a lot of the things I learned in college...what a great feeling.

As for Steve, he started seminary today.  He doesn't have his first day of class until Thursday, but today we went through orientation and tomorrow he will meet with each of his professors individually to introduce himself and get to know them.  We are very excited!

Beside work and school, Steve and I have still had some time to have fun!  We recently decided to drive to the Tulsa Rosa Garden's and walk through the surrounding neighbood (it is known for beautiful homes!)  While on our walk we both had to pick one house to take a picture of, only one.  My choice is in the upper right hand corner and Steve's is below it.  I chose mine because it is unique and elegant.  Steve said he chose his because it was weird :)

We also decided to treat ourselves to a nice date last week.  We realized we hadn't really gone out, just the two of us, since the honeymoon.  Steve found a little Italian restaraunt called Mary's on Cherry Street.  He literally typed in to Google "Tulsa hole-in-the-wall restaurants" and this was the first thing that came up.  It was wonderful!

On Thursday, Steve had to work and I had off so I decided to surprise him with a dessert he has been asking me to make for a while.  Lemon cream cake! Here is a link to the recipe if you'd like to try it! 

The set of photos I'd like to share aren't the best, but yesterday Tulsa FINALLY got a little bit of rain!  Steve and I were so excited that we sat out on our little porch and watched the storm the whole time it was coming through our area.  There was a lot of thunder and lightning and RAIN! 

Last, these are nothing too significant, but I am across a few pictures from our honeymoon on Steve's phone that I thought I'd post.  The ones of me eating are at a great restaurant we went to on our first night in Park City.  And the other two are pictures of Steve and I on a walk...we found a mascot!

Until next time!!

Monday, August 1, 2011

New Beginnings

Steve and I have a week full of new beginnings coming up.  Tomorrow I start an internship at Schnake Turnbo Frank Public Relations in downtown Tulsa.

The internshis is 20 hours a week and I will have the opportunity to be fully integrated in the public relations proces and get extensive hands-on experience in the field. I will also assist in research, project planning and plan implementation for a variety of clients.  Since the internship is 20 hours I will continue serving at Olive Garden with Steve.
Next week Steve starts his first week of seminary! Be praying for us both as we embark on this journey together.  Here is a picture of only 1/2 of his books for the semester.
We will keep you posted!